Basic Automotive Air Conditioning & Heating System

Hogg's Automotive Training Academy, Inc.
Service Types:
Adult literacyCareer ExplorationFast Track TrainingJob Placement
Business and Professional ServicesOther

Basic Automotive Air Conditioning & Heating System with Engine Repairs

  • To conduct a professional inspection of the air conditioning and heating system; how to use diagnostic equipment for an air conditioning and heating performance diagnostic evaluation for a complete analysis of the air conditioning and heating condition to determine if and what maintenance or repair is needed. Students will be equipped with skills and behaviors necessary to be competent in the refrigeration cycle and diagnostics of the system malfunctions.
  • This course focuses on teaching the students the theories of the automotive air conditioning and heating. Students will learn the various systems of air conditioning and heating components, procedures for diagnostics, repair, servicing, and preventative maintenance.
  • The air conditioning and heating system with the engine repairs improves students' skill level and knowledge of how the air condition/heating and engine work together. The students will also be instructed about current trends, new technology, and use of tools in the automotive industry.


Partner Name
Is Online No

309 Yorktown St.
Dallas, TX 75208

Phone Number 214-928-7777
Linked In
Eligibility Requirements

Birth Certificate, Diploma/GED, Identification or Driver License, Social Security Card

Length of Training
Days of Week


Open Enrollment? No
Enrollment Dates Hogg's Automotive Training Academy, Inc. (H.A.T.A.) will start programs once monthly as shown below: Open Enrollment all year round Programs Start Date End Date 1st 12 Week Program January 4TH March 25th 2nd 12 Week Program February 1ST April 22ND 3rd 12Week Program March 7TH May 27TH 4th 12 Week Program April 4TH June 24TH 5th 12 Week Program May 2ND July 22TH 6th 12 Week Program June 6TH August 26TH 7th 12 Week Program July 11TH September 30TH 8th 12 Week Program August 1ST October 21TH 9th 12 Week Program September 5TH November 25TH 10th 12 Week Program October 3TH December 23TH Note: If a scheduled Holiday falls during the student�s scheduled ten (10) week program, H.A.T.A. extends the program end date to reflect the student�s missed time from training
Are there any costs? Yes
If so, list costs TBD
Gas Card/Bus Pass available? No
On Site Childcare? No